In the Beginning, There was A Blue Room

The previous owners painted this bedroom blue. Dark blue. Now, while this is a very nice color, with the dark rainy Portland days, it can get a bit depressing. This picture was taken without a flash on a sunny day at 1pm in the afternoon and it looks like it's night time. Lets just call this Dark and move on.

This called for Chrissie! After consulting with my personal designer aids Kat & Erica, I decided to take a whack at yellow. Seemed the most drastic change from this blue.

DAY 1 - So the first task was to clear the room. Word of advice, paint BEFORE you move into your house. This makes things much easier. I was unable to find suitable living space for everything and ended up with a big pile of junk in the center I had to work around. Also, having someone help you move the big stuff is a really good idea. After all that moving, I was pooped and spent the rest of the afternoon watching Emergency Vets.

DAY 2 - Since it was sooooo very dark, Kevin's dad recommended I start with a white base coat. This, I was informed, would help keep the blue from peeking through. The most brillient part of this plan was the molding is also white so no taping was needed. Just slather on the paint! It turned out to be a very good idea. What you see is one coat of white paint. That darn blue was still peeking through in places. Already the room was looking better. I was a bit worried about the ability of my light yellow to cover the blue but decided to worry about that on Day 3.

DAY 3 - The official start of the yellow. Laura informed me to splurg and buy the blue painting tape. She had tried to use regular old masking tape and it ended up taking the paint off the walls when removed. I did a little test area and she was right! So off to Home Depot I went to buy my paint and spendy blue tape. When I got back, I taped up the molding and on went the base coat of yellow. A tough day, but dang that looks good! I liked to call this color warm butter. Yum.

DAY 3 - What a difference! I'm liking this yellow. (Compare with first pic above).

DAY 4 - The Technique. This day was a killer. Mostly because once you started, you couldn't stop. I taped a blue line around the room about 1/3rd of the way up. Then, taking a roller brush, I applied one roller width of darker yellow paint. Then I quickly removed lines of the dark paint to reveal the lighter paint behind. Talk about back breaking! From far away, it just looks like there's darker paint down below but close up.....

DAY 4 - Here's a close up shot. The result was very subtle. Not too strong, not too delicate. It also took on a real 3D look which was unintended but very cool.

DAY 4 - For the closet and back door, I decided to do the lines down the whole area to break things up. Admit it, you're impressed.

DAY 4 - Up close and still wet!

Day 5 - As if that wasn't enough, I decided to take this room one step father. Chair molding. I enlisted Kevin's help to cut and fit it, then I painted it white. It has a very cute scrolling leaf design you can just make out in this picture.

DAY 6 - Putting the room back together. Unfortunately, my back was seriously grumpy with me by the time this was all over so I had to ask Kevin to help. He lifted, I supervised. A match made in heaven.

TADA! These pictures don't do the room justice. You'll have to stop by and see the change for yourself. This project did, however, cure me of my desire to paint for at least a little while. I have begun eyeing the living room, however. There's this neat sandpaper technique I'd love to try.....