New Week; New Book

What an adorable novel! Miss. Buncle’s Book by D.E. Stevenson.  This one was not easy to find as it is rather old but oh so sweet!  It is set in a small English town full of characters where nothing ever happens until one of its residents decides to write a book.  Of course, she changes everyone’s names but her characters are drawn straight for life and are easily recognizable.   Not everyone appreciates what they see written on the page and the people of the town attempt to ferret out who exactly wrote the book under the name “John Smith.”  A sweet, funny, delightful novel.  Just right for a rainy day and a cup of tea and few oatmeal raisin cookies.  (Or perhaps, more than a few but who’s counting!)

And trust me, there has been plenty of rain.  So far, we have had 21 days of rain and today looks like day 22.  This has put a rather soggy damper on our Spring Break plans.  Usually, we get out into the yard for the start of the season and bring in the first load of flowers.  Instead, we have hung out on the sofa watching far too much t.v. and playing computer games for hours on end.  Ah well.  I guess that’s what I get for living in Oregon.

Our Exciting Spring Break Activity.....Nothing!