Notes to Savor

Here are two prime examples of Leina’s writing.  I rummaged through her room and pulled these out from under her bed.  Everything ends up under her bed.  It is the black hole of our house.  But I thought these two missives best represent Leina.

First, there is sweet and helpful Leina:

A Workbook for Kulia

I love the “in a jify”.  That just cracks me up.  Clearly, the child has seen her fair share of infomercials.

The second letter I often receive is not so sweet.  I think of them as letters from a broken heart.   Whenever Leina is wronged, she takes up her pen/pencil/crayon/marker, and lets the world know of her pain.  I believe this letter was created after we insisted that she go to sleep.  By herself.  In her room.  I know, we are horrible, horrible parents.

A Little Bit of Emotional Blackmail

The P.S. just slays me.  It’s written in ascending order.  Hence the strange numbering system.  But it did work.  After finding this note on my bed, I headed to her room only to find her fast asleep.  So, I scribbled a note of my own and left it for her.

I love finding all her thoughts and ideas and feelings lying about on bits of paper.  I hope this writing stage goes on for a long, long time.

One thought on “Notes to Savor

  1. Liza

    I always get apology notes from my girls when they have been sent to their rooms for doing something naughty.

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